2 Websites That SAVE YOU MONEY

If you haven't discovered the Krazy Coupon Lady  or Ana White yet, you really need to check these gals' websites out.  The Krazy Coupon Lady has recently been on TLC's "Extreme Couponing", but I've been loyal follower for about a year now and I have saved so much money at the grocery store!  After a good shopping trip, I just love stacking up all my purchases on the counter and just staring.  If my husband is around, I brag to him until he's blue in the face.

Many people choose not to coupon because they think that the coupons are for food they wouldn't normally buy anyway, i.e. junk food.  But, that is so far from the truth.  The biggest savings I have are for hygiene and cleaning products.  Occassionally, there are even coupons for fruits, eggs and milk.  If I hadn't been introduced to the Krazy Coupon Lady, I'd still be buying the generic brands at Walmart and spending way more money.  How does 90% of your grocery bill sound?

Ana White also saves you money.  She is FAB-U-LOUS!  She posts "knock-off" furniture building plans on her blog for FREE! What started out as a few furniture building plans that she thought no one would ever care about has exploded into something really huge, and she's still keeping her plans free.  I love that! I've built a few of her plans and so has Lauren.  If you want to save your family thousands of dollars, making your own furniture is not only fun and less expensive, but it is also surprisingly easy.

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